Recommended Number of players: (2-9)
“Of all the races, there is no better stage for heroism than a marathon.” – George Sheehan
There is no experience quite like running a marathon. However, if you are still not convinced that running a marathon can be fun, hopefully, you will have some playing this game about running a marathon.
Whether you've run a marathon before, aspire to in the future or simply a supporter who thinks those runners are crazy - you will find an experience to connect you to Fatigue. Based on the actual experience of running many marathons, this game is designed to help people get a sense of the many different experiences a person can have while running a marathon, without any of the actual pain. Earning a finisher's medal has never been this much fun.
One of the more conventional games from Risci Games, but also arguably its most accessible and offers fun for the whole family.
You can find all the game components available for download on our Downloads page. If you have any feedback or graphical enhancements you would like added to the game, you are welcome to reach out to us on our Contact Us page. We love hearing thoughts and new ideas from all our players.